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Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner – Brian Poole

Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner – Brian Poole

Posted by Stellarvue on 14th Sep 2018

This image of comet 21P was submitted to us by Bian Poole. It was only Brian’s second attempt to image a comet, but as you can see he got it right. To “Own the Night,” Brian used his SV80ST. Also part of the set up was a ZWO ADI1600MM-Cool imaging camera, an Orion Atlas AZ/EQ Pro mount, Orion Starshoot Au-toGuider guiding camera, Stellarvue F050G finderscope, and a Stellarvue SFF6-25 focal reducer. Brian’s location was northern Arizona under borderline Bortle 1 skies. He plans to build a remote observatory there, and when built hopes to have a SVA130T or SV152 to capture more distant objects. We want to thank Brian for allowing us to share this with the Stellarvue family. Image copyright Brian Poole. His Insta-gram profile is (