Stellar Shot of the Week: December 25, 2020
"Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster" - by DrGomer (Astrobin/CloudyNights)
Congratulations to this week's StellarShot of the Week, which is a spectacular rendition of the Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster. This image was taken by Tony Gomez, using an 80mm Stellarvue Access ED Doublet, along with the ZWO ASI533MC-P and the CGX mount from Celestron. All of the detail and that perfect color balance is due to the impressive number of sub-frames used to create the image, which was a total of 185 shots of 300sec each (for a total of 15.4hr). Tony's processing brought out the best of this image too, with the color balance, star colors, and dark nebulae details all really popping out. This is a great target for both narrowband and broadband imaging, but in this case we wanted a more traditional-looking natural palette as the reds and whites feel a bit more holiday-themed.
Make sure to go give DrGomer a follow on Astrobin, and don't forget to submit your own images to us directly by email, or by tagging them with #stellarvue and #stellarshot
- Integration Time: 15.4 Hours
- Date:Jan. 25, 2020
- Frames: 185x300"
- Integration: 15.4 hours
- Imaging telescope: Stellarvue SV80 Access ED Apo
- Imaging camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro
- Mount: Celestron CGX
- Guiding telescope: Astromania 50mm Guidescope
- Guiding camera: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-M
- Focal reducer: Stellarvue SFFR-80A