This commanding image was submitted to us by Keith Lisk. To "Own the Night" he used his Stellarvue SVA130T-IS. We are thankful Keith is allowing us to share this with the Stellarvue family. We hope you appreciate it as much as we do.
Flaming Star Nebula, IC405 (upper right), and Tadpole Emission Nebula, IC410 (lower left). Camera: Nikon D810A DSLR Telescope: Stellarvue SVA130T-IS, 0.72x Field Reducer/Flattener, 648mm effective focal length, at f/5 Mount: Astro Physics Mach1GTO mount Exposure: 58 x 60 sec, ISO 1600, unguided Location: Waverly, Ohio, USA Processed with PixInsight 1.8.
Image copyright Keith C. Lisk