This week's StellarShot submitted by Ken Walker. He sent us a fabulous Jellyfish Nebula image. To "Own the Night," Ken used his Stellarvue SVX102T-R and our SFFR-102 flattener. We hope you're as impressed as we are. Thanks for sharing Ken, we hope to see more of your work. He wrote this:
"IC443 is about 5000 light years from Earth. The first night I was plowing through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere along with turbulence which made guiding interesting to say the least. I split the sequencing into 10 minute and 5 minute subs over a period of 4 nights
The 5 minute subs were during the first night and the 10 minute subs were taken the next three evenings where the sky demons left me alone with dark clear and almost stable conditions. I ended up with well over 20 hours of data."
Camera: Canon EOS 60d clear glass self-mod ISO800
Filters: Astronomik clip in L2 filter (luminance)
Telescope: Stellarvue SVX102T-R with SFFR 102T flattener
Mount: Losmandy G11
Software: Loadstar, PixInsight
Location: Southern New Mexico
Image copyright Ken Walker