This striking image was submitted to us by Frank Dibbell. To "Own the Night" Frank used his Stellarvue SV70T. We want to thank Frank for allowing us to share this with the Stellarvue family. Here's what Frank sent:
Here is my latest of the Pleiades taken with the SV70T and ST8300M CCD camera with Astrodon filters.
24 - 6 minute luminance
24 each - 3 minute RGB binned 2x2
Total integration time: 6 hours
Stellarvue SV70T with 0.8x flattener reducer for 336mm focal length at f4.8
Takahashi EM200 Temma2M mount
SBIG ST8300M camera with astrodon filters, SBIG off-axis guider, and SBIG STi guide camera
Location: Likely, CA
Image copyright of Frank Dibbell.