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Stellarvue 130T - LDN 1355

Stellarvue 130T - LDN 1355

Posted by Douglas Lalla on 31st Dec 2024

Douglas Lalla caught this brilliant shot of LDN 1355 in Cassiopiea with his Stellarvue 130T. Located 700 light-years away from Earth, this dark nebula's bright spots are young stars still in the process of birth. The region contains massive stars, some of which have masses ten times greater than that of the Sun. These stars influence the structure and dynamics of the nebula, affecting the formation of other stars and shaping their environment. Its color and brightness can be attributed to the chemical composition of its gases and the presence of different types of dust particles held within.

*For more details and an in-depth look at this image, visit Douglas's AstroBin.


Telescope: Stellarvue 130T

Reducer Flattener: SFFR72-130-25-48

Mount: Paramount MYT GEM (Software Bisque)

Camera: OGMA AP26MC

Filters: Antlia, LRGBHa 36mm

Software: Aries Productions Astro Pixel Processor, Pleiades Aastrophoto Pix Insight, Nighttime Imaging (N.I.N.A), Russel Croman Blurx, NoiseX, StarXTerminator, Photolab 8.1

Location: Mayhill, NM.


APOD: 2024 November 8 - Helping hand in Cassiopeia. (n.d.).

Matter, J. (2023, February 16). LDN 1355 — AAPOD2.COM. AAPOD2.COM.

The helping hand – LDN 1355 (LRGB) – APod GRAG. (2024, February 16).

LDN 1355 – THE HELPING HAND – Apod GRAG. (2024, February 10).,location%20in%20astronomy.%20It%E2%80%99s%20an%20acti