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SVX102T-R - Veil

SVX102T-R - Veil

Posted by Michael Telesco on 27th Aug 2024

Michael Telesco managed to capture this dazzling image of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus with his SVX102T-R. This cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust rests 2,400 light-years away from Earth and covers an area of sky, six times larger than the full moon. Its origin, a supernova, was a star 20 times more massive than the Sun, which exploded between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. An analysis of the emissions from this nebula by the Hubble Space Telescope, indicates the presence of oxygen, sulfur and hydrogen. 

According to Michael:

After not imaging for a while, it feels good to get some good data and some clear nights! I decided to go for the veil since it is somewhat bright and is one of my favorite looking targets for astrophotography. This was done with my QHY 268M and Antlia 4.5nm Oii and 7nm Ha filters. I did an HOO channel combination for processing which I think turned out very nicely.

Other Designations: NGC6960, NGC6995, NGC6974, NGC6979, IC1340, Cygnus Loop, Cirrus Nebula, Filamentary Nebula, Witch’s Broom Nebula (NGC960), Calwell 33, Caldwell 34.


Scope: Stellarvue SVX102T-R Raptor w/ .74x flattener/reducer

Mount: Losmandy G11

Camera: QHY 268M

Filters: Antila 4.5nm Edge Oiii, Antila 7nm Ha, all 36mm

Brain: PrimaLuceLab Eagle 4s

Flats: Optec Alnitak Flip Flat


Ha: 53x300

Oiii: 43x300

Total Exposure: 8 hours from B5 backyard.

*To see Michael's other work, visit his Instagram @AstroTelesco and his AstroBin. You can also visit his website AstroTelesco.


Uncovering the Veil (Nebula) - NASA. (n.d.). NASA.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, July 19). Veil Nebula. Wikipedia.

Admin. (2014, August 19). Veil Nebula – Constellation Guide.

Salvatore Iovene - (n.d.). Michael Telesco’s gallery. AstroBin.

AstroTelesco. (n.d.). AstroTelesco. AstroTelesco.