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SVX152T - Pelican Nebula

SVX152T - Pelican Nebula

Posted by Brian Meyers on 17th Sep 2024

With his SVX152T, Brian Meyers captured this brilliant shot of the Pelican Nebula in Cygnus. Resting 1,800 light-years away from Earth, this emission nebula has a very active mix of star formation and evolving gas clouds. In millions of years, this nebula may no longer be known as the Pelican, as the balance and placement of stars and gas will leave something that appears entirely different.

Other Designations: IC1570

According to Brian: “I wanted to shoot this part of the Pelican Nebula with longer focal length to try to get a clear and prominent shot of Herbig-Haro 555 (the “T” structure at the top of the long trunk). I think this is about as good as my seeing will allow.”


Telescopes: Stellarvue SVX152T

Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro

Mount: Sky-Watcher CQ350


  • Antlia Blue 2"
  • Antlia Green 2"
  • Antlia Red 2"
  • Chroma H-alpha 3nm Bandpass 2"
  • Chroma OIII 3nm Bandpass 2"
  • Chroma SII 3nm Bandpass 2"



  • Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Guiding Cameras:

  • ZWO ASI174MM Mini

*For more details and an in depth look at this image, visit Brian’s AstroBin.


Salvatore Iovene - (n.d.). Pelican Nebula and Herbig-Haro 555. AstroBin.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 7). Pelican Nebula. Wikipedia.

HH 555, a Herbig-Haro object in the Pelican Nebula. (2013, October 2). Anne’s Astronomy News.