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SVX180T - M's Chain

SVX180T - M's Chain

Posted by Nicola Beltraminelli on 20th Aug 2024

With his SVX180T, Nicola Beltraminelli managed to capture this unworldly shot of Markarian’s Chain. Viewed from Earth as a smooth, curved line, this stretch of galaxies forms part of the Virgo Cluster. Toward the center, a pair of galaxies (NGC 4438 & NGC 4435) known as Markarian’s Eyes, appear to be interacting with one another. The chain rests at a distance of 50 million light-years away from Earth.

According to Nicola: "The initial project was to integrate my data set in large collaboration aiming at capturing the entire chain, however my setting being in-adapted with respect to the focal length, it was unsuitable for the project. So, I decided to progress alone with the hope to capture as much as possible signal on the HaLRGB channels, but more specifically in Ha. As a matter of fact, a hydrogen bridge has been described between M86 and NGC4438. This bridge has been already captured and illustrated with fantastic images by several brilliant astrophotographers in Astrobin, therefore I tried to achieve my own result with my setting. As I have a remote scope in Spain, achieving 100 hours accumulated exposure was finally not so much of an issue, whereas capturing the extremely weak Ha emissions using my F/7 scope was another story..."

The result:

"For the processing, I used the now classical approach to process the RGB layers (Channel combination, BXT, SPCC,...), whereas for the Ha channel very frustratingly I failed to see a clear, distinguishable signal from and between the galaxies. I therefore applied Continuum Subtraction to separate the general Ha emission of the galaxies, from the bridge and the streams. Using this process, I obtained a much cleaner signal, that however required further processing. As a matter of fact, I observed very bright regions around M86 and the eyes, for which I had to apply masks to avoid burning the image, whereas the bridge was close to the background, thus needing particular attention to separate signal from noise. While I tried to generate a coherent image, I cannot exclude some artifacts on the Ha channel (and possibly on some very weak signals on L)."


Imaging Telescope: Stellarvue SVX180T

Imaging Cameras: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro

Mounts: 10Micron GM2000 HPS II


  • Astrodon H-alpha 5nm 50 mm
  • Chroma Blue 50 mm
  • Chroma Clear 50 mm
  • Chroma Green 50 mm
  • Chroma Red 50 mm


  • Adobe Lightroom Classic
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
  • Stefan Berg Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy (N.I.N.A. / NINA)


Salvatore Iovene - (n.d.). Iconic Markarian’s Chain: a 105 hours project in HaLRGB. AstroBin.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, July 18). Markarian’s Chain. Wikipedia.

Markarian’s Chain | Deep⋆Sky Corner. (n.d.).

Cannistra, S. (n.d.). Markarian’s Chain.

Admin. (2018, November 20). Markarian’s Chain - Messier Objects. Messier Objects.