According to Larry, "I wanted to share an image of the Eta Carina Nebula I obtained after reprocessing the original data. The data was taken from Blinman, South Australia in the Flinders Ranges using my SVX80T + SFFR.8 FF/FR and ASI2600MC camera. This location was literally past the end of the sealed roads and had very dark skies. Since I needed to travel light, the SVX80T was mounted on a Rainbow Astro RST-135 with tracking and imaging controlled by TheSkyX. Processing of the 80x60 second subs was done with PixInsight. Processing steps after integration:
- Corrected color using PhotometricColorCalibration
- Removed stars using StarXterminator
- Converted starless image to nonlinear using ArcsinhStretch followed by Curves and LocalHistogramEqualization
- Converted stars only image to nonlinear using ArcsinhStretch
- Restored stars using PixelMath
- Cropped for composition to 5200x4160, then down-sized for the web
In addition to Eta Carina, this image also includes IC 2599, NGC 3293, NGC 3324, NGC 3372.
Larry Ammann