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SVX180T - Wizard

SVX180T - Wizard

Posted by Tony Hallas on 24th Sep 2024

Using his SVX180T, Tony Hallas captured this striking shot of the Wizard Nebula in Cepheus. Located about 7,000 light-years away from Earth, this open star cluster spans an area of the sky roughly 5 times the size of the full moon. At its center lies DH Cephei, a variable binary star primarily responsible for ionizing the surrounding hydrogen region and driving gas and dust, while triggering star formation in neighboring regions.

According to Tony: NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula appears to extend outwards quite a ways... portrayed here in a very colorful RGB + SHO rendition. I tried various ways to combine the narrowband with the RGB base image ... used channel swapping in PS as the preferred method. Stellarvue SVX 180mm f/7 + ZWO 6200MM + Chroma 3nm narrowbands. Taken from my backyard in Foresthill, CA, USA.

Other Designations: NGC 7380, Sh2-142, CR 452.


Telescope: Stellarvue SVX180T

Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM Pro

Mounts: Astro-Physics 1600GTO

Software: Adobe Photoshop Auriga Imaging Registar CCDWare CCDStack

*For more details and an in-depth look at this image, visit Tony’s AstroBin.


Salvatore Iovene - (n.d.). NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula. AstroBin.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, August 23). NGC 7380. Wikipedia.

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, August 22). DH Cephei. Wikipedia.

The Wizard Nebula - NASA. (n.d.). NASA.