Product Description

Customers who purchase SVX180T-2 refractors will receive a copy of the Zygo test report and unlike our other telescopes, we will also include Ronchigrams for their objectives in green, red and blue light.

Included accessories and price: The basic model of the SVX180T-2 comes with cnc machined dual mounting rings, TP019 Losmandy-style rail, carrying handle, choice of three large, dual speed focusers with threaded, 2" and 1.25" adapters, an American-made, heavy duty roadie case with internal padding, handle and wheels.
Light gathering and magnification power: A 180mm refractor gathers 661 more times the amount of light than the naked eye. Although Dawes limit states maximum magnification power for telescopes under good conditions is about 420 powers for a telescope of this size, this high-Strehl APO refractor can exceed this power on steady nights. Check the Recommended Accessories section to make the best choice for eyepieces.
Two Year warranty and Stellarvue Service: We are your friends for life. Stellarvue telescopes and accessories are covered by a two-year warranty. But it does not stop there. Since we are a telescope maker, we can repair your telescope for a very nominal fee years after it goes out of warranty, should you accidentally drop it on concrete or otherwise damage it. Buy a Stellarvue Telescope with confidence.
Objective Lens:
180 mm clear aperture, 1,260mm focal length (F-7), apochromatic triplet using super low dispersion (SD) and Lanthanum optical glasses.
Tube Assembly:
Machined, fully baffled, aluminum tube painted instrument white outside, ultra-flat back inside.
Telescope tube weighs just under 38 lbs. with caps in place. 44.5 pounds with mounting rings and TP019A Losmandy-style rail.
Tube Dimensions:
The main tube is about 7.95" in diameter. The complete telescope is 54” long with dew shield extended and focuser all the way in. With the dew shield retracted the length is reduced to 44 1/4".
Dew shield:
About 9.1" diameter, fully retracting dew shield with threaded aluminum cap.
The Starlight Instruments 3.5" focuser, with 4.5" of travel and 2" and 1.25" compression ring adapters. This is an American-made focuser. It comes with 2" and1.25" adapters.
R180 CNC-machined mounting ring set with five 1/4"-20 threaded holes top and bottom. Holes are spaced 1.5” and 60mm apart respectively, with one in the center.
Mounting Rail: Losmandy-Style TP019, 19" mounting rail.
Handle: The Stellarvue #HAN-2 handle is included.
C180 hard case made with 3/8" plywood, with latches, side handles and wheels. The heavy-duty case is 52" long, 15 3/4" wide and 15 3/4" high.
Field Flattener: Included SFFX-3 photographic field flattener.
Reducer Flattener: We are developing a wide-field dedicated reducer/flattener for this telescope. It should take about a year to complete this project.
When you buy these photographic correctors with the telescope, we will contact you individually to determine your camera thread size and total back focus. We will work with you at no additional charge to get the flattener and reducer/flattener matched to your camera system. Dialing a telescope in for perfect performance is important and we want to work with you to advise you and get it up and running.
Click here for our online operator's manual: SVX180T Manual
*Our Zygo is a 6-inch Zygo Verifire, phase-shifting laser interferometer with precision Zygo test spheres, Zygo 1/20 wave reference flat and when needed, a Zerodur 1/20 wave optical flat.
** Our double-pass autocollimator utilizes a Zeodur 1/20 wave optical flat, precision glass ruled 150-line Ronchi, three Thorlabs optical Light emitting diodes with lenses at 630nm, 545nm and 490nm. It is mounted on our Thorlabs anti-vibration table with a Zygo optical bench and digital readout.